Leaders Of The New School
it is exciting to be a 1L here at the university of minnesota this week because come this friday we'll have wrapped up our final exam, the ever exciting civ to the pr-izo. but in some ways it is sad, because then after that, we won't be able to call ourselves 1L's anymore, and basically our status becomes regulated to the equivalent of saved by the bell: the new class. all that attention that we know and love will be gone. so where we basically thought we owned the school this year, next year we'll be the ones complaining as we try and get out of the classroom but are rand sacked by over eager rookies trying to get to their seat. even better, during those first few weeks when the rooks ask us for guidance, we'll be the ones responding, "oh it's not so bad, hang in there", and "getting called on doesn't mean anything", and "yeah i know he assigns way too much con law reading, don't worry no one does it", and "she kind of is crazy, but just tell her what movies you saw on the weekend" and my personal favorite "don't worry most 1L's didn't have a firm job their first summer"
and surely during the year, we'll be the ones that 1L's point too after about 2 months and say "does that guy even go here, i never saw him the whole year" and come exam time, they'll realize that they'll be a whole another group of faces that they'll have never seen, but that will now be us. but i guess there is one distinguishing factor, we're this year we could tell the 2L's from the 3L's because the 3L's were the ones carrying around the non ibm laptops, you know the ones that looked more like desktop computers because they were usually so much bigger.
but i'm sure they are things to look forward other than getting super wasted this friday. but for now...
jam done bredren
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